I've been writing for Examiner.com for about a month now and have 2 posts up. The comment a reader left on my second post made me want to crawl into a ball & cry:
"This article could have been longer. The writer should have gone into depth on how the weddings are instead took a shortened path and pretty much said nothing. To the author I just have to say work on it to get better. This is not something I would want to read again and I wouldn't want to read anything by this author again. She needs more detail."
Needless to say, my feelings were beyond hurt. While I never really aspired to be a professional writer, I do like to express my love for writing frequently. That comment at first depressed me, then it pissed me off, & now I am in the "I'll show you" stage. I am glad that I got a fairly honest response from a stranger. I have never blogged professionally and was afraid of it. Now I know what I should work on: length and content. Having an idea is not enough. Now I have to get it across clearly and in-depth. Knowing is half the battle.