Monday, April 20, 2009


Well, been a while since the last post. So a quick update:

1. Found a dress for Dee's formal
2. All bills paid up (w00t!)
3. Still job hunting
4. Finishing up school registry
5. Sore in the heart but much, much wiser

All in all, a pretty boring weekend but I'm gearing up for my vacation in two weeks so right now: the possibilities are endless ;

Song of the day

I will love you any way
Even if you cannot stay
I think you are the one for me
Here is where you ought to be

-Sweet Thing by Rufus

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An Ode To Tea

I have a tea obsession. It really is should be an unhealthy one but since tea has health benefits, I've come out on top. I drink somewhere between 15-20 cups per day. Yes, some of you may think that's a tad too much but when I eventually will be able to morph like Mystique due to all the antioxidants I have consumed, your identity will be the first I will assume. Now to continue with this love affair, I have written it two poems.

A very poor haiku:

Ah Beautiful Tea
Such a great wake me up drink
Gets me out of bed

A Cinquain:

Little Leaves
Sweet, Crisp, Tasty
My daily breakfast drink

A horribly scary pic of me with my first morning cup (please note the bleary look in the eyes):

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Kid on the Block

Well, after much jumping around and looking, I've seemed to have settled on here. I finally woke up yesterday due to some friends' help. I have not been myself lately. I've been letting insignificant things clutter my life. So, I've decided to let it all go and concentrate on what I want to do most. I will focus more on the business I want to create and the hobbies I let go to. I also want to get a new camera to start photography again. Maybe even take some Photoshop lessons... Who knows?